Friday, March 21, 2008


This shall not be a blog of interesting reads. Well, occasionally it can be. It's more like a recording of my daily activities.

[08:21 AM] I haven't woke up this early in awhile. My body clock has always been attuned to the late noon timings of 1400. Anyway, I suppose my body knew it was time I made changes to life. So I kick-started my day by hitting the track at the new NUS Law Campus (formerly SMU) near my house. I did interval training and covered the timings:

1.35 (and faster actually)
1.35 (same as above)
2.20 (then the striding took its toll at the 5th round)
1.45 (i still mustered enough capacity to hit one last round under reasonable timing)

Yah, I made 7 rounds and only realized that 2.4 is only 6 rounds .

Now some emo stuff.
I've always appreciated the groups of friends I have made around me. I've known them to be reliable but its only today I really experience it. Just a couple of words can keep me going. I always remember when I was in Brunei, with the fricking MG hung over my neck, and the sun hot as hell, all it took was one line of help, and I could move all the way. Sometimes, all it takes is an offer to help. For that, I'm willing to take a bullet for any of you. Anytime, anywhere. Yay baby. I will. Make that six hundred & sixty-six bullets.